Logo Assignment Part 2 section 1: The Logos
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Logo Assignment Part 2 section 2 : Written Statement
In the designing part. Because of my company's name is “Flights Studio” so I planned to use a cool/light colours, because it will represent the “Flights” word which relates to the sky that is clear and beautiful. I started designing using the Pen Tool to trace the owl from an image that I got from the web. I decided to create a curvy smooth line, for the owl’s body. Because it will create the details to the smooth edges from its wings and other parts. For the eyes, I chose to create a half circle shape because it will help create a balance to the owl’s body's direction. For the face, I just make it similar to the actual shape of its face, because it also helps create a balance to the body and the eyes. In typography I used a thin, simple, clear looking font for eyes because they represent the company's name. The font that I used was Caviar Dreams (it is actually a custom font). I positioned the typography below the left wing and placed it away from the owl a little bit so it lined in the center. I positioned the typography there, because it represents the company's mission. The mission is “we work as a team and help together to reach our dream to be a five star company”. The colours that I applied to the typography or the company's name are using two different colours. For “Flights” I chose a cool/light blue colour because it represents the sky. And for the “Studio” I chose a cool/light grey colour. For this one, there isn't any meaning but it helps to create a contrast. Talking about contrast, I tried to create a few contrasts that were possible to each part of the body. Because contrasts could help create differences on the logo. Like the owl's eyes and the face. I applied a light grey colour to them, but then for the face, I dimmed the colour for 70% because if not, it wouldn't create the contrast. For the background, I didn't really want to have them. Because it would ruin the balance and the contrast of the logo So I decided to leave it with just a negative space. After all finished and for the addition, I added a line and created it with the Line Tool. I positioned it below the company's name and lined vertically. And then. I applied a white & grey gradient to it that goes from left to right and changed the type of it to oval to creates a movement, values and represents the company's feature which is efficiency. And I also add another thing which is a shadow. I applied it to the owl and created it by just copied the main owl's body and placed it underneath the main body. And applied a sky colour gradient to it, to helps create a movement and represents the company's work that they are always there. For the unity, rhythm, and the others, I didn't really create them because I want to keep the logo as simple as possible. But for last part, the emphasis. This logo was actually didn't have an emphasis, I didn't think about creating an emphasis. But after I finished design the logo, it seems that the face could become the emphasis. Or it could be the “Flights” word too.
In the technical part, I don't really have anything to say. I just learned so much about Illustrator. When I was creating the logo, all the things that I used often was just playing around, editing, rechecking. But for the tool , it was the Pen Tool. The Pen Tool was a perfect tool for tracing anything on the image or even create something that you want. It is also a neat tool for creating a line. For the effects, so far I didn't apply any. Because I didn't think about adding any effects. For the use of layers. Layers are very important things that need to be use in every case. Like if you have a complicated design, you should use the layers to organize things. In my case I used layers for organizing every parts of the owl's logo, including the typography. And also, I used layers to make things more neat and tidy.
For thoughts and opinion about this assignment. I'm really happy about what I have done. Because, previously I didn't know how to use Adobe Illustrator. I thought it was a complicated software. But when I tried to work on Illustrator, things went different. And then I got used it. it was like Adobe Photoshop but in different format. I learned so much about designing a logo especially when I tried to create a contrast and tweaking the logo. After I finished creating a logo in Illustrator, I am planning to create another logo if I have time. I want to learn more about using the tools and the colours in Illustrator. It was a fun experience.
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