Sunday, 26 April 2015

(✎) (✉) Basquiat Inspired Digital Image Part II

List of sources I used to make the artwork:

Title: Sport, Soccer, World
Medium: Adobe Photoshop CS6

Artist Statement

     I chose to focus on the layers because my main theme is about togetherness, and I needed to combine images, which required me to do layering. The theme is inspired from a video that I watched called "Soccer and World Cup Bring Worlds Together" by National Geographic. [Video]

     The concept that I was trying to achieve is to show how soccer especially sport has made people around the world unite and create fun atmosphere in their countries. That is why, as you can see in the artwork, I put a collage, a soccer huddle photo, and a big soccer ball, which is the emphasis of the artwork.

    I put every element in the artwork with a purpose and interpretation from the video. The collage in the artwork represents the diversity of people in the world. As you can see, I put photos of people from different races and cultures. If you notice, you will also see that every photo has different border colour which helps the collage to represent the message.

     Below the collage, there are two texts saying "everybody forgets their culture and races when they play" and "soccer brings worlds together", those are two quotes I got from the video. I included them in the artwork to help convey the message that the artwork was trying to communicate. I used a drop shadow effect from the blending option tab to make the text clear because when there was no drop shadow, the text looked vague because of the colour of the background. I also added some kind of cool accidental effect that I got by masking the texts to the collage and the soccer players huddle photo.

    Then, there is a big soccer ball. This is basically the focal point of this artwork because this artwork is mostly all about it. Previously, the soccer ball was in normal shape or look. Then, I used the gradient tool from the tool box to create a fading effect on the soccer ball. I did this because it makes the artwork look professionals and helps the below elements to be visible.

    One of the elements below the soccer ball is a soccer players huddle photo. It is a cut out background photo which I did it by using the selection tool. If you notice, the photo looks dimmed. The reason is because the original colour looked to bright and contrasting, so one way I can made it unify to the overall elements was by tweaking the colour of the image by using the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.

    The background of this artwork represents the whole atmosphere of how it is like when there is a soccer game. Aside from the interpretation, if you notice the background looks like there is only one image, doesn't it? However it is not. There are four images that I combined to make the background. So, first of all, I actually used the selection tool to the original image to cut some parts and used the refine edge option to create a fading or transition looks to the image. I did this step on the other tab. After that I copied the image to the artwork tab and positioned it. So, because there was a negative space around the soccer players huddle photo, I copied the image, and positioned the copied one below it and same as the third one. The fourth image is actually a grass texture stock photo. I pasted the image to the artwork, positioned below the third copied background imaged, and I distorted it to make the image even with the background. That way, I tricked the perspective of the image. As you can see, the players look like there are on the field getting ready to play the game.

    At last, I tweaked the whole artwork by fixing some elements, colours, and I also added a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to make the artwork dimmed.

    Overall, I very satisfied with the result. I actually learned a variety of new things. From composition, colours and interpreting a message on an artwork. However, one thing I really learned is that I always use photoshop just to create graphics, I rarely make something like this. Because I used to think that it is kind of impossible for myself to create a design from a photo. I do not know why, it was just my weakness. But when I finished working on this artwork, I just realized that I can do more than that. Having said that, now I can explore a whole new thing in my design!